
I’m a certified Java programmer and a Python and Kotlin enthusiast.
That’s all you really need to know. But…
For more info, I have a github account under sad2project, as well as a Stackoverflow Careers profile under my full name, Jacob Zimmerman.
My linkedin account
My gaming blog

If you want to get in touch with me via email, I have a gmail account with the username sad2project. By the way, that name came from a class I took called SAD II (Systems Analysis and Design); it doesn’t not imply that I’m sad about projecting 🙂

In this blog, I tend to present posts in the intermediate to difficult level, often building on well-known ideas that beginners might not know about.

If you are a beginner to java, I recommend two different things that can very quickly help you rise in the ranks. The first is Joshua Bloch’s book Effective Java, which provides 78 nice tips that really help you understand the language and its idioms. Another place you can go is the Java Practices blog. The site isn’t so great, but he reiterates many of the points that are in Effective Java while coming up with MANY similar type points in an extended topic set.

Beginners in Python would do well to to read the Effective Python book, which is similar to Effective Java, but for Python, and it has 59 tips. I haven’t been able to find a blog for Python that’s quite as useful as Java Practices is for Java, but I kind of hope this blog will be able to fill that purpose some.

5 comments on “About

  1. There’s something wrong with your RSS feed. Go to http://planetpython.org/, and scroll down to the entry for your most recent post.
    The link for the blog “Programming Ideas With Jake” is correct, but the link for the article “Multi-Line Lambdas in Python” points back to planet python, rather than the article. Compare with any other entry.
    I use Feedly, and that’s where I first noticed the problem.


    • I don’t know what to say. It works fine in my reader. And looking at the xml seems fine. The feed is automatically created by wordpress; I have no control over how it works. Any problems you’re having are either their fault, your reader’s, or whatever system you use to place the links onto Planet Python.


      • If I go to https://planetpython.org/, and scroll down to one of your entries, then there are two links:

        Programming Ideas With Jake
        Another Look at Instance-Level Properties in Python

        The first one links to the this WordPress site, as you would expect. The second one I would expect to link to the specific article (“Another Look at Instance-Level Properties in Python” in this case), but instead it just links to https://planetpython.org/.

        Looks like your feed IS valid, and Planet Python is not handling it correctly:
        (1) http://feedvalidator.org/ says: This feed is valid, but interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendations …
        (2) https://validator.w3.org/feed/ says the same thing …

        Anyhow, I’l leave it to you to work out what, if anything, you want to do.


      • Thanks. I’ll look into what feedvalidator recommends and see if there’s anything I can do. I know I’ve had problems, but seeing as I didn’t actually implement the feed (it’s the built-in wordpress one), I had NO clue what to do. If feedvalidator lets me know about something that I can do, I’ll do it.


    • I suggested to Planet Python to use the /feed/rdf instead of the normal feed url. That one seems to be valid, and I haven’t found a way to fix wordpress’ implementation. I also changed the link at the top of my page to that url. Hopefully, most readers, including feedly, can use the rdf (which is also known as rss 1.0, it seems) style feed.


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